Since the beginning of this academic year, I have taken on the full-time role to establish an
Enterprise Architecture capability at the University. For the past few months, I have been working
out roles and relationships, principles and processes. I have given presentations to several groups,
first within IS and now moving beyond. I
have recruited an experience contractor to help the University along this new
path. And as the new calendar year
begins, we are in the position to start producing results that people can see.
A key part of this role is communication – explaining what
EA is about, listening to people’s concerns, sharing knowledge of resources new
and old, discussing what needs to be done, and disseminating decisions. I am reviving this blog as one strand of
this communication. Over the years, I
have been a pretty poor blogger. I
haven’t always had things to say, and sometimes I have lacked the time to write
them. With the importance of
communication in this new role, I hope to do better.
There are other channels besides this blog. I am arranging regular meetings with other
sections of IS, with the colleges, and with other support units. There will be an Architecture Repository with
links to resources – including high-level documents such as principles and
architecture overviews, as well as more technical artefacts such as data
models, interface descriptions, technology life-cycles, and procurement
standards. And I welcome any questions
from anyone who wishes to know more or to raise a concern.
Architecture is a subject dear to my heart. During my time as Head of Development
Services I did try to introduce some architecture ideas and practices, which is
very difficult to achieve with basically no funding. My new role, to which I am
seconded for the current academic year, gives me the opportunity to put proper
foundations in place.