I have created an official blog for the Enterprise Architecture service at the University of Edinburgh. You can follow it at the link below. The new blog is intended for updates and news from the EA team (not just me). So far, I've just posted an introductory article linking to Gerben Wierda's animation "Why Enterprise Architecture", and I may repost some of the older articles from this Distributed Thinking blog. https://blogs.ed.ac.uk/enterprisearchitecture As the new blog will be the place for all official news, I'll save this Distributed Thinking blog for more personal reflections and perhaps for some more opiniated pieces that have no place on an official site.
Thoughts on enterprise architecture and related ideas. I am an enterprise architect and the University of Edinburgh. These posts are personal opinion and do not represent an official position of any part of the University of Edinburgh. For official news, read the EA service blog