I started a new job at the beginning of the month. I'm no longer working at the National e-Science Centre and that means that I won't be involved with Grid Computing Now!. I was granted a day from my new job to host the webinar on cloud computing with Ross Cooney, but that was my last commitment for GCN!.
It's been almost 6 years since I joined NeSC and it was about this time 4 years ago that we were writing the proposal for the Knowledge Transfer Network that became GCN!. Looking back, I the experience has taught me a lot as we evolved the KTN to be most effective. It took a lot of effort to get ourselves recognised - to "build the brand" in marketing speak - and I think the work paid off.
Now I have the chance to actually practice some of what I preached. My new position is Head of Development Services in the Information Systems Group of the University of Edinburgh, and one of our goals for the next year or so is to roll out a service-oriented architecture for the university. Other part of the ISG are deploying virtualised servers and my erstwhile colleagues at NeSC are working towards a campus grid. With good planning, we might even get these initiatives to work together.
I will post here when I have progress to report, but I will be blogging even less often than I have been until now. In the meantime, I wish everyone involved with Grid Computing Now! all the best for the future.
It's been almost 6 years since I joined NeSC and it was about this time 4 years ago that we were writing the proposal for the Knowledge Transfer Network that became GCN!. Looking back, I the experience has taught me a lot as we evolved the KTN to be most effective. It took a lot of effort to get ourselves recognised - to "build the brand" in marketing speak - and I think the work paid off.
Now I have the chance to actually practice some of what I preached. My new position is Head of Development Services in the Information Systems Group of the University of Edinburgh, and one of our goals for the next year or so is to roll out a service-oriented architecture for the university. Other part of the ISG are deploying virtualised servers and my erstwhile colleagues at NeSC are working towards a campus grid. With good planning, we might even get these initiatives to work together.
I will post here when I have progress to report, but I will be blogging even less often than I have been until now. In the meantime, I wish everyone involved with Grid Computing Now! all the best for the future.
It was great to work with you over the past few months. Enjoy the new job, Talk soon,
Ross Cooney