ETSI recently announced they were entering the Grid standardisation space. This week I got the chance to learn more about this, thanks to Mike Fisher of BT, who leads the relevant ETSI Technical Committee. He explained that ETSI has a protocol and testing competence centre, along with the methods and experience to take specifications written in English and write conformance test suites that allow precise checks of interoperability. This is certainly a facility that the OGF does not have; indeed, the OGSA working group has carefully framed its work to avoid making any claim about conformance. So if the ETSI initiative can agree use cases and find sufficient consensus on standards, perhaps building on OGF work, it could add a valuable facility to the Grids standards community.
On October 14th, I will be hosting a Grid Computing Now! web seminar on the topic of Cloud Computing. We have lined up two very interesting speakers who are using Cloud now to make businesses work. Ross Cooney had a good technological solution to sell but couldn't make it economic until Cloud Computing allowed him to pay for his computation only when he needed it. He will discuss the instant benefits and long term impact of cloud computing to the development, competitiveness and scalability of your application. Alan Williamson created the BlueDragon Java CFML runtime engine that powers He advises several businesses and will give an overview of the different types of services available and how to avoid being locked-in to a single supplier. You can register for this event here .