Among all the topics discussed at the Gartner Data & Analytics summit , one undercurrent caught my attention. It came up at least twice, in very different talks. The first occurrence was in a presentation by an e-commerce company which made all of its data open to all employees and encouraged them to create innovative analyses of that data. The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) last year has caused the company to restructure its data platform with stricter access policies, as they can't reasonably make the personal information of all their customers available to everyone in the organisation. The other time was in a talk by a Gartner analyst, about different data architectures (e.g. data warehouses, data lakes, & data hubs ). In an aside, the speaker remarked that, in the past, IT departments have tended to collects all their data together first and worry about governance later. He said that design of a data hub shoul...
Thoughts on enterprise architecture and related ideas. I am an enterprise architect and the University of Edinburgh. These posts are personal opinion and do not represent an official position of any part of the University of Edinburgh. For official news, read the EA service blog