What do Universities do? This may seem a strange question to ask and the answer may seem obvious. Universities educate students and undertake research. And perhaps they work with industrial partners and create spin-off companies of their worn. And they may work with local communities, and affiliation bodies for certain degress, and they definitely report on their activities to government bodies such as HEFCE. They provide student services and support. The longeryou think about it, the more things you can think of that a University does. In business, the things that an organisation does are called " capabilities ", which is a slightly strange term. I think it is linked to the HR idea of a combination of the CAPacity and ABILITY to do a task. Whatever the name, it is a useful concept. A capability is more basic than a process: a University may change the way it educates students but as long as it remains a University it will educate them...
Thoughts on enterprise architecture and related ideas. I am an enterprise architect and the University of Edinburgh. These posts are personal opinion and do not represent an official position of any part of the University of Edinburgh. For official news, read the EA service blog