We always plan to have the IT systems run smoothly at the start of the academic year. This is the time when many new students first come to the university and find their way around, when personal tutors discuss their students' academic plans, and when the new systems we have implemented over the previous year come into full use. It is usually this last point that can throw a spanner in the works. This year, we installed a new learning environment, replacing the aging WebCT with Learn 9; we applied the annual upgrade to the EUCLID student record system (which is needed to cope with changes in government regulations, let alone improvements in functionality); we rolled out the first version of software to support personal tutors; we upgraded several databases from Oracle 9 (which is no longer supported) to Oracle 11, and we continued to upgrade our Cold Fusion servers. Although we test each of these systems, we can be caught out when staff and students start to use the ...
Thoughts on enterprise architecture and related ideas. I am an enterprise architect and the University of Edinburgh. These posts are personal opinion and do not represent an official position of any part of the University of Edinburgh. For official news, read the EA service blog